About me
I currently work for the Howard Center in Burlington, Vermont as an educational and communication specialist, providing training and consultation in the areas of augmentative/alternative communication, assistive technology and literacy for children and adults with developmental disabilities. I have a M. Ed. and C.A.S. in Special Education from the University of Vermont and have worked for over 30 years with children and adults with developmental disabilities in school and community settings. I have a particular interest in developing systems of support for people who use augmentative/alternative communication and am working on organizational change within my own agency and state to enable such systems to be established. I am a long-standing member of the Vermont Communication Task Force (http://ddsd.vermont.gov/boards-committees/vt-communication-task-force), a statewide organization which focuses on improving communication supports for transition age youth and adults with developmental disabilities. As part of a national network of Master Trainers in Facilitated Communication, I also work as a consultant to schools and agencies in this method of communication and regularly participates as a trainer in local, regional and national workshops and conferences. I am a founding member of the Wellspring Guild (http://www.wellspringguild.org/), a national organization that is working on developing a network of training and support for facilitated communication across the country.