Welcome to the official website for the 2024 TASH Conference!
Each year, the TASH Conference brings together our constituents to share resources and success stories, learn about field-driven best practices, and network within a community engaged in shared values. The Conference is attended by passionate leaders, experts, and advocates from every corner of the disability community. Conference attendees are influential in their fields and communities, and play an important role in the provision of services and supports for individuals and organizations around the world; and include professors and researchers from leading institutions; those involved in local, state, and federal governments and public policy; special and general educators, and school administrators; self-advocates, adult service providers; students, family members, and many others. This year’s conference theme is Celebrate Together: Let the Good Times Roll!
Click on the "Registration and More" tab for additional information about our Conference location, registration, reserving a guest room, sponsorship and exhibitor opportunities, and more! The full Conference schedule is now available for viewing. Registered attendees will receive an invitation to log in and create a personalized schedule.
Log in to bookmark your favorites and sync them to your phone or calendar.
Everyone can be working on inclusive practices in their home or classroom. Whether you know someone with a disability or you don't. Disability is the only minority group that every single person can be a part of at some point in their life. This presentation will give steps for everyone to actively take in their community, resources to share with others, and a place to problem solve together what their specific barriers are. As a former special education teacher, now mom of 2, this has become a priority for me to raise inclusive kids. Educate children on how to support each other, celebrate our differences, and not focus on what is fair but how we can all be included.