Welcome to the official website for the 2024 TASH Conference!
Each year, the TASH Conference brings together our constituents to share resources and success stories, learn about field-driven best practices, and network within a community engaged in shared values. The Conference is attended by passionate leaders, experts, and advocates from every corner of the disability community. Conference attendees are influential in their fields and communities, and play an important role in the provision of services and supports for individuals and organizations around the world; and include professors and researchers from leading institutions; those involved in local, state, and federal governments and public policy; special and general educators, and school administrators; self-advocates, adult service providers; students, family members, and many others. This year’s conference theme is Celebrate Together: Let the Good Times Roll!
Click on the "Registration and More" tab for additional information about our Conference location, registration, reserving a guest room, sponsorship and exhibitor opportunities, and more! The full Conference schedule is now available for viewing. Registered attendees will receive an invitation to log in and create a personalized schedule.
Log in to bookmark your favorites and sync them to your phone or calendar.
How do we know the services we are providing are what people really want? How do we know people are getting not just what they need but what they want? TLC has embarked on a quest to answer these questions. We have invited an independent team to come and spend a week with the people receiving services investigating these questions. Using a mixture of mediums (art, observation, story telling, group chats and 1:1 discussions), the team will "interview" people. TLC is interested in truly understanding how effective we are in supporting people to live the lives they need and want. This information, along with surveys of staff and families will be a part of our planning for the future of the agency. We are excited to share our process, how it went and what we learned. Representatives from TLC and the independent team will share their experiences.
Sheldon Schwitek has been supporting individuals with complex behavioural needs in the United Statesb and in Canada for over decades. He was introduced to the founding members of the Marsha Forest Center in 1990 and became a facilitator of the person-centered processes of MAPS, PATH... Read More →
Saturday December 7, 2024 8:45am - 9:45am CST
4TH Floor - Imperial 8Hyatt Regency, 601 Loyola Avenue, New Orleans, LA 70113
We all agree that communication and the ability to communicate is an essential part of our lives. Everyone communicates somehow. Too often with people with disabilities we hear staff say "I understand what they mean" or "When he/she does this, I know it means that" However, all too often we as support/advocates stop there and do not encourage the person to increase their communication so that others can understand also. What we need to understand is when people do not have communication/a voice that is understood by many they are vulnerable and at risk for abuse, exploitation, segregation and institutionalization. As providers, advocate and supporters, it is our responsibility to support people to develop and grow their voice and use it to advocate for themselves. We as providers, supporters and advocates cannot remain the interpreters and voices for others. We are exploring ways to support people to develop their voices and be their own advocates.
So many things touch our lives as self-advocates. Members of Project ACTION!, DC’s self-advocacy coalition, have learned that we can accomplish so much more when we work with partners. We are stronger together. In this session, you will get to hear from several members who have participated in a collaboration to ensure people with disabilities can get the access they need to be in healthy, safe relationships. Hear about the trainings they created and shared with other self-advocates to decide how they would be in relationships they choose, not their coordinator or manager. In this interactive session, presenters will talk about their experiences, what they have learned about getting the "love" they want, with audience discussio
Thomas Mangrum, Jr., is a strong communicator and self-advocate who is passionate about helping others to be the best they can be. He loves learning new information and sharing it with other self-advocates, his friends and neighbors. He is an excellent presenter having trained locally... Read More →
Kara Jones is a strong self-advocate and trained facilitator. She has presented locally and nationally on a variety of disability topics. She is a member of People on the Go and Project ACTION! She is also a member of the Women's Knowledge Group, a group of #ProjectPeer. #ProjectPeer... Read More →